QUALITECH - immer sicher und genauQUALITECH Institut Dr. Hörnig - Chemische Anwendungen und Technologien

Projects of reach of environment
20.12.2005 The new websites from QUALITECH Instituts Dr. Hörnig with german and english contents are ready.
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Projects of reach of environment
Reorganize, monitoring of environment demages and recultivation of waste - land
  • Risk estimate for old Shell tank Stuttgart Mauserstr.
  • Risk estimate machine factory Haller Stuttgart Mauserstr.
  • Reorganization project machine factory Schlatter Kirchheim
  • Reorganization project gas factory Nordhausen part east
  • Risk estimate garden areal Klosterhof in Magdeburg – Salbke arsenic damage
  • Exposition risk military barracks Planken / Neuplanken Colbitz - Letzlinger - Heide
  • Risk estimate pharmaceutical factory Dresden - Radebeul
  • Project “Heavy metals in soil - arsenic", sponsored from Saxonia – Anhalt, FKZ 76213/03/01/1-3
  • Risk of sodium chloride dump from Zielitzer Kali AG for vegetation around the dump
Projects reach of chemical application and technology
Drinking - water and industrial - water projects
  • Drinking water quality Südhannoversche Mühlenwerke Salzgitter Ringelheim
Industrial waste - water projects
  • waste - water in skin - factory Lederfabrik Wolmirstedt
  • waste - water in juice factories
  • waste - water in meat - factory
  • damages through betonit suspension

Reach of consulting

Quality- and environment audit

  • Glass factory RESA Wolfen
  • Colour factory Bitterfeld

Stand: 20.12.2014

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QUALITECH - immer sicher und genauQUALITECH Institut Dr. Hörnig - Chemische Anwendungen und TechnologienDAR Deutscher Akkreditierungs-Rat

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